Welcome back existing WIFT Members.

If this is your first time visiting our new website, then we need you to reset your password and update a few details before you can access the new members area.

Please click on the link below to start the process.

Join a world of women in film and television

WIFT NZ offers...

  • Workshops, seminars and other educational events providing opportunities for professional development.
  • Networking and social events including competitions for, and invitations to, screenings.
  • WIFT International Membership with benefits including biennial conferences, networking receptions at international film festivals and television markets; and a visiting members programme which allows you to attend the events of any other participating WIFT chapter worldwide at member rates for a three month period.
  • WIFT NZ Online Directory Listing and Access.
  • Preferential Tickets with a members' discount to the biennial WIFT NZ Awards celebrating success in the screen industries.
  • Research and Advocacy Activities.
  • Website content and fortnightly Newsletters (industry news, views, jobs, WIFT national and international updates).
  • Support and Information Services.


  • Member Discounts: Members receive discounts for goods and services from a growing number of companies including cinemas, theatre companies, the NZ International Film Festival, DOCNZ, SPADA Conference, legal service providers and  industry suppliers.

Membership categories


Any woman who has a minimum of two years experience in film, television or associated media.


Any person ineligible to be a full member. Friends can attend WIFT activities and receive discount access and regular newsletters but have no voting rights and cannot stand for election to the WIFT NZ Board.


Any film, television or media student, eligible on presentation of student ID. (Students are not eligible for directory listings)

Student members can not join online but need to contact the WIFT NZ office to confirm their membership and payment.

WIFT Member Profiles