Berlinale Talent Campus

Posted Wednesday 08 Sep 2010

The talent campus is a six-day creative summit for up-and-coming Filmmakers. It will occur alongside the Berlin Film Festival, February 12th - 17th, 2011. The summit consists of lectures, discussions, workshops, and excursions for Directors, Screenwriters, Actors, Cinematographers, Producers, Editors, Sound Designers, Composers, and Production Designers. The deadline for online applications is 6th October 2010. More information and online application for the Talent Campus here.

The NZ Film Commission is able to financially support up to 3 participants to attend the Berlinale Talent Campus in 2011. Filmmakers who are NZ citizens or have NZ residency should apply directly to the Talent Campus, approaching the NZFC for financial assistance only once an acceptance letter has been received. Requests for NZFC financial assistance from successful applicants should be made care of Paul Swadel Information on past NZ attendees to the Talent Campus may be found here.