New Play From a WIFT Member

Posted Tuesday 19 Apr 2011

WIFT member Desir�e Gezentsvey recently gave us the heads-up on her new play, Nuclear Family, which premiered at the Adelaide Fringe Festival early last month. A solo show, performed by her daughter Yael Gezentsvey, the play is about a group of Jewish migrants in the mid-80s coming to grips with living in New Zealand. The play garnered some excellent reviews:
"Nuclear Family is a very welcomed migrant to the shores of the Fringe� gentle, humorous� A tour-de-forceperformance from actor Yael Gezentsvey." Rating: 4.5 stars (out of 5) - THEATRE GUIDE REVIEW "A deft script� A fine all-round performance - tender, humorous, realistic - certainly deserving of the audience's sustained applause." - RIP IT UP
Look out for the play in NZ some time soon, we hope.