Do you have a spare room in your house in which to billet Canadian WIFT documentary film-makers who will be in NZ during the Rugby World Cup to film part of a documentary Buying Sex? The film is about sex workers and the effect of major sporting events on women. Accommodation is so expensive during the RWC, we are looking for billets for 4 of them Auckland and 6 of them in Wellington. If you are able to help out, please e-mail Sumner Burstyn
Buying Sex is a feature length documentary produced by the National Film Board of Canada ( and directed by Teresa MacInnes and Kent Nason of Sea to Sea Productions ( The basic premise of the film is to look at the current controversy in Canada around the decriminalization of prostitution and then travel to two countries where Governments have taken different approaches to prostitution legislation and law (Sweden and New Zealand). The goal is to create a film that will encourage Canadians to engage in an informed debate about sex work and law reform.