The launch of Project CONNECT draws near and to mark the occasion Transmedia NZ, in partnership with MINA (Mobile Innovation Network Aortearoa) invites you to enter their "documentray challenge".
The guidelines are as follows:
MINA is holding a mobile video workshop on Saturday 27 August for anyone who is interested in using mobile video to create their documentary. The workshop will be held at the BizDojo, IRONBANK Building, Suite 205, 150 Karangahape Rd, Auckland, 3pm to 5pm. There will be an optional follow up session on Sunday 28 August at the BizDojo from 10.30am to 2pm to provide post-production support in finishing your project for the documentary challenge. The workshop is limited to 10 participants.
To register for the Project CONNECT Documentary Challenge and the Mobile Video Workshop visit
All eligible submissions will be showcased on the Transmedia NZ website and Facebook page and the MINA website. The winning entry will be featured in the Project CONNECT print publication and the Project CONNECT global exhibition.
For more information about Project CONNECT visit