We threw a few festive questions to some members about their year that's been and what the holiday break and 2012 holds for them. Thanks Arani Cuthbert, Debra Kelleher, Jaquie Brown, Sumner Burstyn and Roseanne Liang, for sharing with us!
What was this year's highlight?
AC: Getting the Topp Twins doco released in North America.
JB: Having my son Leo, seeing Madeleine Sami win an award for her acting, working with Jane and Mel at JAM and being able to put my knickers on without losing my balance now that I'm not pregnant anymore.
DK: Producing the Rise Up Telethon for Christchurch, felt like I was doing something worthwhile and making a difference to such an awful situation! Got the old team together too�from Avalon - where the best craft people in the world are! We did good! Thanks to Brooke Howard Smith.
RL: The release of my first dramatic feature film, My Wedding and Other Secrets, and all the great things that have happened with it since.
SB: Not making money.
What are you looking forward to most next year?
SB: Making money!
AC: Looking forward on the work-front to getting some TV commissions over the line and making progress with two features I am developing, on the personal front, spending more time in Bali where my partner is starting a business this coming year.
DK: Trip to Europe - on a job!
JB: At the risk of being totally self promoty, I'm really looking forward to releasing my book 'I'm not fat, I'm pregnant!' which I've been writing these last 2 years. Also looking forward to my TV series going to air that I've been making with JAM about what it's really like to have a baby! Is there a theme to my life right now?
RL: In equal parts of excitement and nervousness, the imminent new arrival to our family.
What will you be watching over the holiday break?
SB: Old classic movies, documentaries of all stripes and Downton Abbey Christmas Special if I can figure out how to get a recording of it. (If anyone has someone in the UK who can record and dropbox it to me I'd be very grateful.)
AC: Plan to watch whatever films are screening at the Matakana Cinema and finish watching the 5th season of The Wire.
DK: My daughter, Ruby she is 10 and so much fun, I'll be taking a break from watching television�.except when Good Morning is back, keen to see how it travels.
JB: I will be watching...other people get sunburned while I sit under the shade of a massive hat and drink things with tiny umbrellas in and laugh an evil laugh. Or do you mean TV? Anything on SoHo and Comedy Central and I'm crossing my fingers for a High School Musical movie marathon on one of the channels. Please Santa, PLEASE hear my prayers.
RL: Movies: The Muppets, The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo. I missed Jiro Dreams of Sushi at the festival and would really like to get my hands on a copy. Any help? TV: Misfits, How to Make it in America, 30 Rock, Breaking Bad - someone also recommended In Treatment. Also a nice steady diet of kung fu, revenge and vigilante films.. for research.
And reading?
SB: Willful Blindness - about how we all choose not to see what's right under our noses, proofs of the book I'm writing and in our family we only give and receive books at Xmas so whatever I'm gifted.
AC: Reading The Dovekeepers by Alice Hoffman about five women living in Jerusalem in 70 AD and a bunch of film business books, I know sounds boring but I actually love reading this stuff and don't have time through the year.
DK: Women's Day!
JB: I just finished reading Caitlin Moran 'How to be a Woman' which was brilliant and now I'm reading one from my book group 'The Good Earth' by Pearl S Buck. It's about pre-revolutionary China and sounds heavy and complicated but is actually quite the page turner.
RL: I need recommendations for a good novel! I've been reading a lot of non-fiction of late. I just got the new Sherlock Holmes, The House of Silk by Anthony Horowitz, but haven't cracked it open yet. Would also love to check out what's new in the world of graphic novels.
Where's your special holiday spot?
SB: Too personal!
AC: Fave holiday spot is Ti Point, on the Matakana coast
DK: Waikawa Bay - Picton - sailing and yep on the back of a motorbike through the Kaikouras! Terrified - hair and stomach in knots, but loving every minute�..roll on 2012 it's going to be magic!
JB: Honestly, where ever my friends and family are. Give me a patch of grass and a BBQ and I'm happy.
RL: I wish I could name a secret beach or camping spot, but alas these days it's either bed or the couch in front of the TV! Home is pretty special at the moment.