Last week was definitely one out of the box with 3 consecutive WIFT NZ events. In fact, many of the same people turned up to all 3. On Tuesday night, The Classic was abuzz with our fabulous 2011 Interns and their families, WIFT NZ members, film students, cast and crew of the 7 short films which were being showcased. Jenna Oden, Tracey Flett, Britta Lauritzen, Angel de Goede, Lauren Billingham and the two Linda Gollan scholars Rachel Ross and Lorraine Reinsberger wowed the audience with the depth of their creative skills. Technical aspects of the Showcase were aptly handled by intern Jenna Oden who did a sterling job co-ordinating all the short films. WIFT NZ will miss this delightful intake of interns and wishes them all the best with their careers in the screen industries.
Linda Gollan scholar Lorraine Reinsberger explains her film "Humankind-ness".
R: Angel de Goede introduces her film "Train Wreck"
Wednesday night saw the first of what we hope will become regular monthly events - the screen industries ex pat networking evening at the Beresford Wine Bar. This newly opened wine bar across from the WIFT NZ office is run by the French partner of a WIT NZ member and turned out to be the ideal place for the United Nations of screen industry professionals living in New Zealand, to meet. There were people from almost every corner of the globe, some who had literally only arrived in the country a few days prior.Thursday night was the combined Guilds Christmas party at the Long Room in Ponsonby, a very festive affair with no-one's spirits dampened by the atrocious weather outside.
2010 WIFT NZ Interns Ghazelah Golbaksh and Ruth Dunphy (from left to right
in background) at the combined Guilds Christmas Party.
For those of you in Wellington, there will be a combined Guilds' Party there on 20 December at Betty's Bar in Blair St, starting at 7pm.