2011 Short Film Showcase Celebrating International Women's Day

Posted Tuesday 08 Feb 2011

Women in Film and Television International, in conjunction with WIFTNZ, proudly present the 2011 Short Film Showcase celebrating the 100th anniversary of International Women's Day.

100 years ago, the United Nation put forth a day to celebrate the economic, political and social achievements of women - past, present and future. That day is March 8th. In places like China, Russia, Vietnam and Bulgaria, International Women's Day is a national holiday.
2011 marks the sixth year WIFTI joins in that celebration with our Short Film Showcase. Films were selected by the participating WIFTI Chapters from submissions created by their members and sent to the WIFTI screening committee to compile the 2011 Showcase. The films were all truly wonderful and WIFTI congratulates all the filmmakers on their efforts. We hope this inspires you to make your own film for next year's celebration!
WIFTI Showcase will screen in Auckland, Wellington and Christchurch on 08 March. Further details will follow.