The next Pecha Kucha Night in Wellington is coming up soon at the wonderful Downstage Theatre on Cambridge Terrace again. The focus this time is on Science and the speaker selection has been curated by Christine Harper and Elizabeth Connor.
Monday 28 February 2011: doors open: 6.30pm, start: 7.30pm, tickets: $9 cash only, Venue: Downstage , 12 Cambridge Terrace, Wellington
Here is the list of speakers who have confirmed so far:
Paul Callaghan// Physicist, Communicator and Entrepreneur// Science and New Zealand's future: an ironical perspective
Elf Eldridge // Nanotechnologist, Physicist, Mentor// Viral Technology
Bill Williams // Biophysicist // The Inexorable emergence of the complex
Elizabeth Connor // Science communicator // Atman: A lifetime Inspiration
Craig Stevens // Oceanographer // Ocean Powers of Ten
Sea Rotmann // Marine Biologist turned energy behaviour researcher // The Kraken
Rises Shaun Hendy // Theoretical Physicist // that too many cooks spoil the broth or many hands make light work?
Nicola Gaston // Theoretical Chemist // The case for Sk�'odowskium
Plus, more to come...
Also check the website for updates or
There will be a cash bar. Come early, as there will be limited seats.
For further info please contact:
Pecha Kucha Nights in New Zealand are supported by MIG