Berlin International Film Festival 2012 Call for Submissions

Posted Tuesday 26 Jul 2011

The Berlin International Film Festival is arriving in February next year. To be eligible for the festival, your film must have been completed between March 2011 and February 2012 and be available on either 35mm or HD Cam.  The festival prefers world, international and European premieres for both features and shorts and your film should not have screened on television or the internet anywhere in the world. If your film is eligible and you would like it to be considered for the Festival, please send two DVD copies and the film's press book to:

New Zealand Film Commission
Level 3, 119 Ghuznee Street
PO Box 11 546

Attention:  Beth Brash (Features) / OR Attention:  Lizzie Dunn (Shorts)

Please mark on the envelope if the film is a feature or short.