Fundraising Event: Oranges & Sunshine

Posted Tuesday 12 Jul 2011

Ruth Dudding is organising a private screening of beautifully made movie Oranges & Sunshine.The screening is a fundraising event to help her 17 year old son raise funds to travel to Cambodia with a group from Rangitoto College to help build houses for poor Cambodia families. There will be raffles on the night to raise money for The Cambodian House-building initiative and for The Christchurch Earthquake appeal. Oranges & Sunshine is based on a true story of the forced relocation of poor children from England to Australia. The screening will be held at Bridgeway Cinema in Northcote on Sunday 7 August at 8:30 pm. Tickets are $15 or $20 with a glass of Grey Rock Pinot or Waipara Sauvignon Blanc. Tickets are available to be purchased online from Ruth by 3 August.

Please pay online to:

Cambodia fundraising Account: 06 0122 028 7011 00

With Oranges in the Particulars column, Number of tickets in the Code line, and your Name in the Reference column.

Ruth's contact details are: to confirm ticket purchases and numbers of tickets remaining.