Project 11 Seeking Filmmakers

Posted Tuesday 26 Jul 2011

Vikas Chandra is a writer and filmmaker from Mumbai and is looking for filmmakers to collaborate on Project 11. Project 11 is a unique experiment which will bring together 11 filmmakers from around the world to make one short film. Vikas describes Project 11 as "a New-Age Thriller which blurs the line between the real and the virtual world". The short film will be shot in 11 cities around the world with 11 different principal characters. The film is set to release worldwide in November 2011. The requirements to join are:

  • Access to Canon DSLR camera (5D/7D) to shoot HD mode
  • Access to one INTERIOR and one EXTERIOR location
  • A few actor friends who are willing to get involved
  • Loads of enthusiasm

Each filmmaker will get an equal credit in the film and the freedom to use the film in their showreels. There are plans to secure basic minimum funding that will take care of two days shooting expenses in each city. If you are interested in knowing more about the project please send an email to this address: or visit