Project CONNECT Transmedia Storytelling Exhibition

Posted Tuesday 26 Jul 2011

Project CONNECT is an exhibition which combines media and digital art with traditional art forms. The project uses Facebook to invite people to participate in the project. People can post their submissions to the project's Facebook wall, creating a public space for people to share their stories and connect through social media. Submissions can be absolutely anything, photographs, videos, a story book, scribbles on a piece of paper. It's up to you to be as imaginative and inventive as possible. Participants in the project get the chance to win an iPhone 4 and an iPhone filmmaking workshop with Project CONNECT and the Big VOICE 2012 Award. In February 2012 all works will be exhibited in a physical space, providing an audience for each unique voice. Project CONNECT will also be showcased at the launch of Big VOICE (a side event of We Can Create) on August 27 2011. Visit to see the Project growing. Check out to see more examples of transmedia storytelling.