International Film Contest: Last Round Open for Entries

Posted Tuesday 28 Jun 2011

The UN International Year of Forests is about giving a voice to one of our most precious natural resources. To celebrate it in Germany, the State Enterprise for Forestry and Timber North Rhine-Westphalia has created "Mensch Wald" - which is Germany's of?cial UN forest campaign.
From March to September, several leading German ?lmmakers will create their own stories of how the forest inspires them. Among the directors participating are Axel Baur, Axel Breuer and Dieter Eikelpoth. The audience can follow their journey, and watch each ?lm premiere HERE.
The campaign is further supported by social media, TV and cinema advertising, PR from the German government and United Nations, and partners Nokia and the Jackson Hole Wildlife Film Festival. The contest is being run in conjunction with video sharing site Vimeo.
About the Film Contest
To create a global message of forest awareness, Mensch Wald is inviting ?lm students and young directors - in every country - to submit their own short ?lm about the forest. What you ?lm, and how you ?lm it, is up to you. Your challenge is simply to answer the same question given to our ?lmmakers: What does the forest inspire in you?
To enter, visit the vimeo page to submit your ?lm with a short description. Uploading your ?lm automatically enters you in the contest.
The contest is divided into three rounds, with the final round - 15 June to 15 July - currently open for entries. At the end of the round, all entries will be reviewed by a jury of ?lmmakers, and one ?lm will be selected as a ?nalist.
From 21 July to 15 August, all three ?nalists will face a public vote. Each ?nalist will receive fantastic prizes, with a special Grand Prize for the ?lm that wins the most votes.
To find out more about prizes and rules, see the website.