Join the Studio Audience for The Court Report

Posted Tuesday 14 Jun 2011

The Court Report television programme invites WIFT members to be part of their live studio audience. Screening on TVNZ 7 every Thursday evening 9.30pm, and repeated every Sunday at 10.30pm. The Court Report is filmed in front of a live audience every Tuesday 6.30pm - 8.00pm, at the Victoria University Law School, 55 Lambton Quay. It is a studio based commentary programme in which high profile lawyers, their adversaries, law makers and key players discuss the latest justice issues and court cases from the week.

Hosted by high profile defence lawyer Greg King, in co-operation with the Law School at the Victoria University of Wellington, the Court Report is produced by Wellington production company The Gibson Group. executive producer Gary Scott says "The Court Report is a natural fit for TVNZ7. "It is a channel with a great reputation for intelligent discussion, it's the perfect forum for a show that addresses a topic that impacts on all our lives and that New Zealanders feel so passionately about", says Scott.

You can check them out on facebook:

Or here on the TVNZ website, where you can also watch previous episodes and lots of extras.

If you'd like to be in the audience, please contact Sofia Gibson (sofia@gibson dot co dot nz)

There are complimentary drinks and nibbles from 6pm, until filming starts at 6.30pm. The show will be filming every Tuesday in 2011 (apart from a short break in July).