Two Government Announcements to Affect Screen Sector

Posted Tuesday 14 Jun 2011


An announcement from the Beehive has just been released, flagging major changes to government agencies including consolidation and collaboration. The Government is proposing changes that will reduce the number of government agencies as it seeks better value for money, less duplication and improved co-ordination across the state sector, Deputy Prime Minister Bill English and State Services Minister Tony Ryall announced. Also announced was the establishment of a new group to advise on state sector reform. It's a short time frame with officials due to report back in July and then Cabinet will make final decisions.

A recent email from SPADA broke it down for us - the main points for the screen sector are:

1. Encouragement of greater collaboration between the New Zealand Film Commission and Film New Zealand.

2. Consolidation of audiovisual archiving.  Encourage the New Zealand Film Archive, Radio New Zealand and Television New Zealand to consolidate material into the Film Archive.

3. Work with the Broadcasting Standards Authority, the Advertising Standards Authority, the Press Council and the Office of Film and Literature Classification to look at opportunities for greater collaboration.

Look out for updates through SPADA.