It's unlikely you missed the Jurassic-age comments uttered by Alasdair Thompson last week, which once again reminded us why organisations such as WIFT NZ must continue to exist. When the chief exec of NZ's own Employers and Manufacturers Association can suggest women should be paid less because of their reproductive capabilities, it's only a small indication of what is probably being said behind closed doors. Well, we'll say it - we probably all know people of both genders who could pull their fingers out a little more at work, but it's nothing to do with their physically-gendered makeup. As for man flu...
Jokes aside, we hope it's been a productive week for you all, and that you're fortunate to work with more enlightened folk than Mr Thompson. If not though, this could be your week to find pastures new - there's a bumper crop of new jobs in this week's enews.
By the way, this will be the last e-news collated by Susan for a couple of months as she takes some maternity leave from next week, with one of our hard-working interns, Sara, taking over the enews reins from the 12 July edition. So to make things easy for Sara, here's a quick reminder about our enews deadlines - we need your news by the Friday preceding each enews date.