Thanks again to all of you who filled in our survey. Here's a brief analysis of the results.
66% of respondents were Pakeha; 44% in Production; 42% of you wanted more information on our Programmes, in particular our Mentoring Programme (36%); there was a general feeling that the membership fee was about right, but 64% of you did not know about the a/p option and 46% of you wanted to know more (more about that in just a minute); 70% of you want WIFT NZ to be engaged in more Advocacy; and most of you are reading nearly almost all the e-news. Fantastic! Thank you for the great comments, the fabulous ideas for events - we will definitely be taking all of these on board.
So now for that not-to-be-missed a/p option for membership payment (also on our newly revamped membership brochure). We know that a lot of our members find it hard financially from time to time - feast or famine as it so often is in this industry - so to make it a little easier for you when it comes to renewing your membership, please consider this option. It works out about the cost of half a flat white a week! In other words $28.75 a quarter! We offer reciprocal membership with the Screen Directors Guild NZ. Full members are eligible for a 50% discount on members' rates to the SDGNA. If, in spite of these options, you're still finding it hard figuring out how to renew your membership, please give us a call and let's figure it together!