Te Hiku Media are currently producing a low budget Te Reo Maori documentary series called Kuaka Marangaranga and are in need of a Final cut pro editor to do some online post production. They would like to hire someone who has done post for television before and is experienced in meeting television broadcast standards regarding video and audio levels. The editor must have a firm grip of the offline/online process, especially around the use of appropriate codecs, compression, colour-correction techniques and audio balancing. Most important of all, she/he must also demonstrate a great story-telling technique, with the ability to heighten the portrayal of the individual in front of the camera through use of timing, cutaways and general artistry. This will be one to two weeks work during May this year, so speed is of the essence. The editor will know their keyboard shortcuts like the back of their hand. Facilities will be provided.
Fluency in Te Reo Maori is not essential, however a respect and openness to things Maori is a must. There is a fairly specific audience for this series, so an understanding of their viewing needs is imperative. Opportunity location: Kaitaia or Auckland. Key skills sought:
To apply, please contact piata@tehiku.co.nz