V48 Free Registrations for Christchurch Teams

Posted Tuesday 08 Mar 2011

The V48HOURS Registrations are open online from today. V and 48Hours would like to offer all Christchurch teams free entry into this year's competition. The organisers said "Filmmaking is the last thing on anyone's mind at the moment but we would like to think that in some small way the event may be a welcome distraction come May for those interested in participating. I think the rest of the 48 community would love to see what some teams will produce from Christchurch this year. We welcome the use of the forums in supporting the CHCH teams this year. We will also be repeating our annual RUSH 2 REGO competition which means those who Register first may receive their entire Registration refunded. This year we're going to offer it to the Registered Team's Numbered 30 to 40. Which means if you're the 30th team to register you'll get refunded. Same with 31st, 32nd right through to 40th. Last year 70 teams registered in the first hour. So timing is everything."
V48HOURS Official Website to Register: www.V48hours.co.nz
Registration for V48HOURS finishes on May 1. Shoot Weekend: May 20-22
Hundreds of teams compete. Hundreds of thousands watch. There can be only one winner.