Winners of Global Digital News Frontier Grants Announced by IWMF

Posted Tuesday 08 Mar 2011

The International Women's Media Foundation recently announced the winners of the inaugural Women Entrepreneurs in the Global Digital News Frontier grants. Each grantee will receive $20,000 to launch innovative new media enterprises.
The winning startup projects include a website that brings transparency to the health care marketplace, a local journalism initiative that serves 'news deserts' in the Catskills region of New York and a news service that takes a game-changing approach to international coverage.
The Women Entrepreneurs in the Global Digital News Frontier grant program -- offered for the first time this year - is generously funded by the Ford Foundation.
The award winners were selected from more than 100 proposals from a diverse array of entrepreneurial women journalists.  Key grant criteria included innovation in delivering the news and a clear business plan for achieving sustainability beyond the year-long grant program."Promoting women journalists professional advancement -- in both traditional and new media -- is a central tenet of the IWMF's mission," Liza Gross, executive director of the IWMF said.  "We look forward to working with these pioneering women entrepreneurs as they launch their exciting digital media startups."
"These grants, combined with training the IWMF will be offering, will help women to succeed in new media entrepreneurship, an arena where their numbers have been sorely lacking," IWMF Advisory Committee Chairman Merrill Brown said.  "Each of the winners offers an innovative way to deliver the news, and they are truly at the forefront of the digital media frontier." More news about the grant winners can be found here.

Founded in 1990, The International Women's Media Foundation is a vibrant global network dedicated to strengthening the role of women in news media worldwide as a means to further press freedom.  For more information, visit