The 2011 Fresh Shorts funding round opened last week. The Fresh Shorts scheme allows for eight films at $10,000 and eight films at $30,000 to be funded. Last year there were over 220 applications - and this year they want to see even more. This is a key part of the NZFC's talent development strategy and they hope to fund industry newcomers as well as filmmakers who have begun their careers.
With the help of some of last year's successful applicants, and a dash of Taika Waititi thrown in for good measure, they've created a short trailer to encourage people to give it a go. Feel free to share this around with anyone and everyone you think could give it a shot.
APPLICATION DEADLINE: 5pm Friday 15th July 2011
Full criteria, application form, Q&A and other useful documents are available from:
Check out the Fresh Shorts 2010 successful applicants on YouTube: