Actors Lab - Christian Penny Workshop

Posted Tuesday 31 May 2011

Self Direction, play and discovery: The Actors Laboratory in association with Creative New Zealand is bringing Christian Penny to Auckland for a weekend workshop.

When an actor is working they leave a trace. The audience follows this. This trace is generated by their encounter with the present moment. Their "discovery". This is what makes their work captivating to watch. Either, on stage, or on film.

This moment has to relate to the context or setting of the scene and has to have a lightness - a sense of play and some risk. The twelve participants will explore this over the two days, combining text analysis and the playing of games. Checkov will be the text.

We will aim to strengthen our abilities to propose stronger performance offers to ourselves and our collaborators.

A Director principally, Christian has worked in a range of fields developing new New Zealand theatre works ranging from new plays, devised works, community theatre projects and most recently Opera. Christian is the newly appointed Director of Toi Whakaari: New Zealand Drama School. He has been the leader of the Masters Degree in Direction there for the last seven years.

$130 inc gst
Saturday June 11th and Sunday June 12th, 10am - 5pm, The Basement, Lower Greys Avenue, Auckland City
Contact to RSVP. Full payment is expected by June 4th.