Expanding Documentary: Sound, Image, Text 2011 is the eighth biennial documentary conference held in Aotearoa New Zealand since 1996. Arising out of a 'small country' context, the event has been distinguished over the years by its concern to engage artists, makers, academics, writers, industry professionals and community activists interested in questions of theory and practice.
Focusing on non-fiction and documentary-related work produced within Aotearoa, Australia and the Asia Pacific region, the conference includes presentations of works-in-progress or recently completed works, as well as academic papers.
In 2011, the overarching, interdisciplinary ethos of Expanding Documentary continues the event's emphasis on new and revised directions in thinking and practice while keeping in sight significant questions of subjectivity, embodiment, ethics, history, politics, economy and technology in the process of making and interpreting documentary works.
They are now seeking papers for the next conference, and you can find more info on this here.