NZWG TV Script Competition Now Open

Posted Tuesday 03 May 2011

Here's one for aspiring scriptwriters - the New Zealand Writer's Guild Script Comp.
Up for grabs are short-term internship placements with top NZ television production companies. The recipients of these will be selected by the companies themselves from the ten finalists and the exact nature of these internships will be worked out with the recipient. It could be a seat at their writing table or working with a development exec on a project etc.

Each year this competition is about giving you an opportunity to show how good you are and to create opportunities for you. Each year the guild has been approached by producers and production companies wanting the contact details of the finalists in our script competition. This year the format is television and there is already have interest from TV producers and production companies. So dig out your best scripts for a captivating new show or create for yourself an excellent spec script as a calling card.

What are you waiting for? Find an entry form and more info on the NZWG website.