It's a great couple of weeks for WIFT events - here's another one to lock into your diary. Fighting Film Piracy - how you can better protect your intellectual property from piracy and stories from the battlefield, happens at the Classic, Queen Street, on Tuesday May 24th 6:30pm.
Claire Deeks is a senior IP lawyer at James & Wells Intellectual Property Lawyers specialising in anti-piracy and Tony Eaton is the Director of the New Zealand Federation Against Copyright Theft (which carries out enforcement and education for the members of the Motion Picture Association in New Zealand).
Join Claire and Tony for a seminar looking at the legal remedies available to you to help protect your work from piracy and also a look at real life examples of enforcement action taken in New Zealand and offshore. Claire and Tony will also discuss the very recent amendments to the Copyright Act 1994 brought in by the Copyright (Infringing File Sharing) Amendment Bill which have implications for all New Zealanders but particular those in the film and music industries.
$5 members $10 non-members. Book online at Tickets available at the door.