Welcome To the New WIFT Interns

Posted Tuesday 17 May 2011

WIFT NZ would like to welcome 17 wonderful young women to its 2011 Internship programme - 13 in Auckland and four in Wellington. This year saw an increase in applications to the internship programme, making the choice very hard. However, we're confident that those selected will benefit from the experience and there is already plenty of excitement about the possibility of screening their final show reel or project at the Intern Showcase at the end of the year.
In the photo, from left to right:- Jenna Oden (South Seas), Mia Henry-Teirney (AuT), (back row) Britta Lauritzen (Unitec), Natalie Bell (South Seas), Tracey Flett (Unitec), Lorraine Reinsberger (South Seas), Lauren Billingham (South Seas), Rachel Ross (South Seas), Angel de Goede (South Seas) Tekerera Haitana, (South Seas) (front row right to left) Elyse Brock (Unitec), Giverney Cootes (AuT) and Sara Martin (AuT). Wellington Interns are Jen Metcalfe, Charlotte Dallison, Sara West and Tamara Rimland - all from the Film School. WIFT NZ wishes all the interns a very productive year.