Julia Schuster, A PhD student at the Department of Sociology, University of Auckland has contacted us seeking particiants for her research project titled "Where have all the feminists gone? Searching for New Zealand's women's movement in the early 21st century" which aims to investigate the current state, diversity and struggles of feminist activism and women's agency work in Aotearoa/New Zealand.
She is currently looking for interview participants. Women (i.e. everyone who self-identifies as woman/female) of all ages and ethnicities in Aotearoa/New Zealand, who meet at least one of the following criteria, are welcome to participate:
a) You call yourself a 'feminist'.
b) You engage in political activities focused on or related to women's issues of any kind (or you have done so within the last 10 years).
c) You work for an organisation/group/institution that is involved in work concerned with women's interests (e.g. an NGO, non-profit agency, activist group, governmental institution).
Such participation will involve two parts:
- filling in a sheet with personal demographic information (e.g. age, educational background)
- one interview (approximately 1-2 hours long) about your personal experiences of engaging with feminism and work around women's political interests.
If you are interested or have any questions, please contact us at WIFT and we will put you in touch with Julia.