WIFT Intern Fundraising Project

Posted Tuesday 29 Nov 2011

Women in Film and Television NZ intern Lauren Billingham produced the Camera Girls calendar to raise money for her final project at South Seas Film and Television school. Ten female students from South Seas film school, including a few WIFT interns, took off their clothes for the project.

The resulting high quality photographs are fun and quirky with the girls hidden behind all kinds of film equipment. Producer Laura Von Batenburg says "the project which started off as a small idea has turned into a hit which everyone is talking about."

Lauren found a graduate from the South Seas photography course, Ida Larsson, who was extremely passionate about the project from the beginning and ended up doing all 13 photographic sessions for free. Krystal Kitto also volunteered to do all the hair and makeup which was 1950s style. Once all the pre production was done Laura and Lauren went to CUBE

printing who agreed to print over 300 calendars all to be sold at $15 each.

The calendar is being sponsored by many companies in the film industry, including Panavision NZ Ltd.
To buy a calendar, email Lauren at
laurenmaybillingham@gmail.com .

Calendar Girls front cover WIFT

Camera Girls front cover