WIFT NZ Wellington Summer Event Series

Posted Tuesday 29 Nov 2011

WIFT NZ is commencing a summer series of lunchtime sessions in Wellington - members and friends are invited to bring their lunch (tea and coffee provided) to the Film Commission Boardroom for an hour each fortnight at 12.30. A selection of entertaining and informative presentations, with an emphasis on marketing and distribution, is promised. Everyone is welcome.
Sessions are free to WIFT NZ members and $5 for non-members. Book on our website and RSVP to
Remaining pre-Christmas sessions are:
14 December - New York Stories - presented by Michelle Savill, Nic Marshall, Michelle Turner
25 January is the first session in the new year. Put it in your diary now.
New year sessions will cover topics such as:
Securing a Distributor / Delivering a Film to the Market / Roller & Title / Delivery / Festivals / Escalator / Platinum Drama
For these lunchtime dates, please keep your eye on our events section of the site as these dates are subject to change depending on availability.

Introduction to Digital Delivery and Distribution Seminar - at Park Road Post, December 1 at 6pm. Members free. Non-members $10