About The Exportation of NZ Film and Television

Posted Tuesday 18 Oct 2011

Oliver Driver is hosting this free discussion at The Cloud on October 22 at 12 noon.

New Zealand film and television is taking the world by storm. We are selling formats, exporting television shows and producing some of the largest and most successful films in the world. However, are we doing enough? Is Hollywood exploiting us? Can we hold our own on the world stage?

'An argument about the exportation of NZ film and television' is a horseshoe panel discussion with representatives from all aspects of the TV and film industry. This will be an exciting and dynamic discussion, with opinions and arguments, disagreement and dynamic points of view, curated by cross-media impresario Oliver Driver.

Panelists for this event include: Robyn Malcolm (actor) Julie Christie (producer), James Griffin (writer), Imogen Johnson (agent), Andrew Szusterman (network exec) and Tim Riley (media/entertainment lawyer).