Linda Gollan Scholarship 2011 Winners

Posted Tuesday 04 Oct 2011

We're very pleased to be able to announce the two winners of the Linda Gollan Scholarship 2011. Lorraine Reinsberger and Rachel Ross, both from South Seas Film School, will receive $1500 each towards the cost of their final project. Lorraine's project is entitled Permission to be Kind and focuses on two women students at Auckland University who have created a "Random Act of Kindness" club, helping students with simple acts of kindness on a daily basis. Rachel's project is a film that focuses on the idea of fight or flight in the story of two young brothers who run away for the night to escape the pain of reality after the youngest has been abused by the father. Once again, WIFT NZ would like to thank the Gollan Family - Bruce, Dora and Hugh for their generous support.

Rachel Ross photoLorraine Rensburger. photo.jpeg

Rachel Ross                              Lorraine Reinsberger