One Year in Jail For Being on a Film Set

Posted Tuesday 18 Oct 2011

Most are aware by now of Iranian Marzieh Vafamehr's jail sentence for appearing in My Tehran for Sale as the news has spread over the last few days. Producers Julie Ryan and Kate Crosier have said in a statement that "we continue to offer our support to Marzieh and her family by respecting their wishes to let the case and the appeal follow the proper legal channels.."
That statement articulates their "deep shock and sadness." According to the Tiser, the concerned parties are meeting today; Amnesty International is on the case through its Iran desk in London. However, it's very much a softly, softly approach so far. (You can sign the Amnesty petition here
Why was she arrested? The Guardian has some answers.

In related news, Maori Television will screen the film on 5 November.
And for more insight into how Iranian women are seen in modern culture, this Washington Square News article examines Pearls on the Ocean Floor, a film about the lives of 16 Iranian women artists.