The Unitec Year 2 acting class presents a double-bill feature from 30 September - 8 October at the Unitec Theatre, Mt Albert, and we have a double pass to give away to opening night to the first WIFT member to email us about it.
Featured are Can't Pay! Won't Pay! by Pulitzer prizewinning Italian playwright Dario Fo and directed by Pedro Ilgenfritz (Alfonsina, One by one) & Asphalt Kiss by eminent Brazilian playwright, Nelson Rodrigues and directed by veteran Kiwi actor, Paul Gittins (Shortland Street)
In Asphalt Kiss an act of intimacy and compassion is exploited by an intrusive self serving media in order to solicit sales.
In Can't Pay! Won't Pay! a group of woman stand up to the greed of the market place when they spontaneously riot against price gouging on food.
Both these lines of action reveal themes that speak directly to central concerns of our modern world; the price of food and the price of freedom.
Read more info here, including how to book tickets.