Posted Wednesday 21 Sep 2011
Everyone at WIFT NZ would like to congratulate our own Catherine Fitzgerald, director Tusi Tamasese and the rest of the team behind the film for their Special Mention at the Venice Film Festival. (Catherine receiving the award is around 0.50 into the clip).
4:45pm 20 September note: Whoops - some of you may have noticed that the enews went out with an erratum for this item - saying that The Orator won at Cannes not Venice. Oh dear - our huge apologies - this was a classic case of baby brain (no one tell Alasdair Campbell please) from Susan being distracted at a crucial moment by 11-week old daughter Pia who was saying "Ah-Goo!" and various other baby babble noises, while trying to roll over for the first time. Oh dear, and first enews back after maternity leave, too - it can only improve from here, surely!