Tax Attack Workshop

Posted Tuesday 20 Sep 2011

If you're feeling a bit stressed about end of year tax returns and have decided that it's finally time to get your finances truly sorted or are still convincing yourself that ignoring the IRD will make it go away, then make sure you come along to the next Auckland WIFT event on October 6th for an opportunity to take the first step to getting it all under control. This informal workshop is firmly focused on the needs of the film and television industry.
Bookkeeper & Production Accountant Leeyan Stephens, from BookAssist Limited and Ric Thorpe from Chartered Accountant office, DJCA Limited offer information and suggestions for:

  • Paperwork - getting Invoicing right and what Receipts to keep

  • End of Year Tax Returns - how to get prepared

  • Getting Outstanding Returns Filed

  • Setting yourself up a process for an easier and simpler future

Also being covered:
The past - been avoiding the IRD for ages?
Getting your tax sorted might not be as hard as you think. Hear what to do, where to go and who to see.
The present - a plan of attack for the current year.
Practical information for what to do right now. make yourself a checklist of things to do.
The Future - technology makes it easy.
Our friendly technology expert, Ric, will demonstrate how new technology is designed to allow you to do more yourself (saving you money) while still having your sidekick Accountant keep an eye on things and help you along. Most things can even be done on your phone.
Venue for the workshop and booking details to be confirmed.
Price: $5 for WIFT NZ members $10 for non-members