Zonta Club of Wellington 2011 Political Debate

Posted Tuesday 20 Sep 2011

On Thursday 29 September, the Zonta Club will be hosting a political debate highlighting current women's issues and policies. Hear Katrina Shanks (National), Carol Beaumont (Labour), Catherine Delahunty (Green) and Robyn Stent (ACT) give their Party's perspectives on significant current issues and their policies for women. Debate facilitator is Linda Clark (former political journalist and Chapman Tripp consultant).

When: Thursday 29 September 12.30 - 1.45pm, at KPMG, Level 9, 10 Customhouse Quay (Chapman Tripp Bdg). Bring your lunch with you. Tea and coffee will be available on arrival.

$5 door charge. This is an open invitation. Please pass it on to your friends and colleagues.

RSVP: Please notify your attendance by Tuesday 27 September, 5pm by email to joanne.lentfer@nzppa.org.nz or telephone 04 802 4049.