FIlmmaking Workshop - July 26 - 27

Posted Monday 15 Jul 2013

CoLab (AUT) and MINA (Mobile Innovation Network Aotearoa) are presenting a two-day mobile filmmaking workshop,  July 26 - 27 at the City Campus.

In the build-up to the 2013 Mobile Innovation Symposium and Screening, MINA co-founders Max Schleser  and Laurent Antonczak are giving you the opportunity to craft your mobile phone filmmaking skills under their watchful eyes and ears.

This two-day intensive workshop will give you an overview of the many styles and techniques used to create films using a mobile phone. Max and Laurent will explore the ideas, scripting, shooting and editing processes to enable you to produce your own film, of a standard high enough to submit for the 2013 MINA Film Screening.

Who should attend? Anyone! As long as you are creative, enjoy using your smartphone, and like to tell stories. We recommend that you have some editing experience, at least with iMovie or Windows Media Player.

The fee is $110 for the two days ($55 for Students), register now via:

For more details about MINA visit