Yes! It's Awards Season...

Posted Monday 08 Jul 2013

Well done everyone who got their entries in for the SWANZ. They have a good swag of entries for the Awards, an indication that things are humming along out there in the industry - keep up the good work!  The awards are a fantastic opportunity to celebrate with New Zealand's best film, television, stage, and radio script writers. 

The Awards are on Thursday 8th August at The Comedy Classic Bar, Queen Street, Auckland.
Ticket sales and further details to follow next week.

Categories this year include:

  • Best TV Episode Comedy Script
  • Best TV Episode Drama Script
  • Best Factual Script (Film or television documentary)
  • Best Short Film Script
  • Best Play
  • Best Feature Film Script
  • New Writer Award (For a debut by a scriptwriter that is entered into one of the above categories)

Entries for this competition have now closed.Thank you and congratulations to all those who polished up a script and entered the competition. Yes that makes you scriptwriters who are focused and committed to your craft  Good luck to all.

Finalists announced Monday 22nd July. The lucky winner will receive a first prize of $500!