NZ Writer's Guild - AGM & News

Posted Tuesday 05 Mar 2013

Coming up at the Guild this year�

  • Contracts and Agreements Trouble Shooting - How to avoid total nightmares
    • Pitching
    • Script development
    • Script Factory - Run in conjunction with the NZFC, the express aim of this workshop programme is to bring about a healthy approach to assessing film scripts and to explore some ideas about how to work well with writers. Contact the Guild for further information and how to apply.


Career checklist

  • A new service with Executive Director Steven Gannaway. Book in for a one on one with Steven to see if your career path is progressing and if not, what steps could you take to either get back on track...or stay on track! It is positive that a number of you are taking advantage of this service!


And a  couple of upcoming dates to put in your diaries/reminders:

Five page treatment competition

Entries due by Friday 15th March, 2013. Download application form here.

Knowing how to write a good treatment is an essential skill. They not only need to convey the story in a compelling and succinct manner but they need to convey the voice and style of the writer too. This competition will give you a chance to enter that 5 page tantalising treatment. And of course you can enter more than once! The winner will receive a free NZWG professional script assessment valued at $360


The NZWG AGM will be on Wednesday March 27 2013, Note the date change please! It will be held at 243 Ponsonby Road, Auckland.

Go to for more information.