See the events calendar on the homepage for more details - but here is a quick summary to whet your appetite! They are free for members so mark these dates in your diary now�.RSVP for all sessions to
We have branded these this year to suit each region:
WIFT Workshops - Auckland
Wednesday March 17
6.15pm for 6.30 start
Whitecliffe College of Arts & Design
24 Balfour Rd Parnell
Non-members: $15
Presentation by Melanie Langlotz - (WIFT board member, ASDCS, Film Auckland and Creative Digital Content)
Melanie will look at software development and the cross-media possibilities of gaming, film and television.
WIFT Wednesdays - Wellington
The first one is a THURSDAY April 4 (cos of Easter) and Wednesday April 17
12.30 - 1.30 pm
NZ Film Commission boardroom
Level 3?119 Ghuznee St
Non-members: $10
Watch out for topic hot off the press and emailed to you later this week.
EPIC Lunches - Christchurch
Friday April 19
12.30 - 2 pm
The BNZ Lounge at EPIC Centre
96-106 Manchester St
Non-members $10
Topic to be confirmed.