Congratulations to Chantelle Burgoyne on her appointment to the position of Fresh Shorts Assistant role at the NZ Film Commission. Chantelle is a New Zealand/ Samoan filmmaker born and raised in Auckland. In 2010 she was an intern with WIFT while studying at the University of Auckland and later that year she also worked on the E-News for several months.
In 2011 she graduated with a BA(Hons) and an MA in Screen Production specialising in directing drama in 2012 and her graduate film TATAU has screened in New Zealand and abroad at festivals including the NZ International Film Festival and the Hawaii International Film Festival. It also won Best Student Short Film at the Cinequest Festival in San Jose, California.
She has also worked as a contract editor and interned at both the Screen Director's Guild and with the Documentary Edge Festival before getting the Fresh Shorts Assistant role at the NZ Film Commission and relocating to Wellington.
In her spare time she is developing her next short film and writing what she hopes will be her first feature. As the Fresh Shorts Assistant, Chantelle is the go to person for all enquiries about Fresh Shorts and she can be contacted at