BEST DIRECTOR ?(Thanks to MPA & NZ Screen Association)
Filmmakers prize package to Los Angeles including:
Return flight from New Zealand for the winning Director
NZ Screen Association to facilitate and manage meetings with
film and TV executives
Accommodation for 5 nights (max $250 per day) in Los Angeles
$500 dollars spending money to cover transfers, meals and cabs
NZ Screen Association to facilitate and manage meetings with industry executives
BEST ANIMATED FILM ?(Thanks to Yoobee School of Design)
Cash prize of $2,500
A free short course of your choice at one of the Yoobee
campuses, depending on your location. See the Yoobee website for more information
BEST USE OF VFX ?(Thanks to Yoobee School of Design)
Cash prize of $2,500
A free short course of your choice at one of the Yoobee campuses, or a free online course, depending on your location. See the Yoobee website for more information
BEST MAORI DIRECTOR ?(Thanks to Wairoa Maori Film Festival)
Cash prize of $2,500
Cash prize of $2,500
Cash prize of $2,500