The NZ Writers Guild would like all their members (and all writers too) to note the upcoming NZFC Funding rounds (SEED and EDF - Early Development Funding) to the Make My Horror Movie competition, so there is plenty to keep writers busy writing scripts and applications out there.
The emphasis of some of these applications is on treatments. Outlines and treatments - yes you need supporting documents for your scripts. It is important that you spend time on these documents so that they can be as good as they can be, as they are often the first point of contact a Producer or funding body has with your project. It can be a really good way to work out your plot, themes and characters before launching into a script. Of course some writers prefer to jump straight into the script - which is fine. But at some point, you will probably need an outline or treatment to support it.
The NZWG has run workshops on treatments and short documents in the past, and will do so again in November. We will keep you posted.
This fund is for writers looking to develop a treatment or draft from an early stage outline.
Through this fund, we aim to offer up to ten loans annually for well-formed concepts that show cinematic potential.
At a glance:
Who can apply: Writer of the project (no producer may be attached - the rights to the project must reside with the writer)
Level of funding: $10,000
Type of funding: Loan
All recipients must have an approved script consultant attached to the project, either at the time of application or agreed with us prior to drawing down funding. You should allow approximately $2,500 in your budget for the script consultant.