WIFTI Short Film Showcase 2013

Posted Tuesday 17 Sep 2013

It's THAT TIME OF YEAR AGAIN! WIFTI needs our TWO entries for the 2013 Women in Film & Television International's Short Film Showcase. This is a great opportunity for members to showcase their work, last year some of the selected films received distribution deals! With news like that we hope it is an incentive to send us your best short film.

In keeping with the rules, the short films must involve a member of our chapter, be directed by a woman and one additional profile category (i.e.: writer, producer, editor, director of photography etc.) should also be held by a woman. Run time must be under 15 minutes, deal with subjects and issues that would be on interest to women... a broad range these days!

If you wish to be considered as New Zealand's entry please send Patricia Watson a screener/a link/DVD, and electronic press kit.  Please note that a link would be best - easier to share with the judges.

The deadline for submissions is 5pm Sunday 29 September.


Let's see how many short films, under 15 minutes are directed by women in New Zealand!