ATPA has prepared a special surprise in partnership with FIFO 2015- a Pitchdating session. Anyone with a documentary film - completed or in production / developement - concerning the Pacific region and who will be present in Tahiti during that time is invited to inscribe themselves via our online inscription form @
The game: You have a choice of 14 professionals - commissioning editors from various international channels, producers particularly interested in the Pacific Region and Distributors. You choose those that you would like to talk to and inscribe yourself on their list. Inscriptions are open from December 10th until February 4th. During the Pitch dating, held you'll have 8 minutes to present your project in a one-to-one encounter.
Bringing a media support with a little trailer of your film is a good idea. The trailer should not be longer than 2 minutes.
Te fare Tauhiti Nui, Papeete, Tahiti, French Polynesia
Wednesday the 4th of February 2015, 14h30 - 16h30
Eliane Koller
Pitchdating coordinator 2015
Papeete /Tahiti / French Polynesia
skype: instanteliane
tel: 00689.87784479