What a Swell Party It Was!

Posted Tuesday 11 Mar 2014

It's nearly two weeks since the WIFT Awards were presented in the beautiful Grand Tearoom at Heritage Auckland.  The evening was a great success (you can see lots of photos on our Facebook page and pics of each of the winners have been loaded onto the home page at www.wiftnz.org.nz).

If you weren't there you missed out on a night of celebration and chat that carried on at various watering spots around the city. And best of all no one left hungry (delicious food and plenty of it) or empty handed (great goodie bags, thank you sponsors)

One highlight was the fabulous one-off performance by the WIFT Sisters - Amanda Billing, Teremoana Rapley, Romy Hooper and Alexandra McKellar. Encore next year ladies!

We could not have run the Awards without our generous sponsors:

South Pacific Pictures

Great Southern Film & Television

Images & Sound

Te Puni K?kiri

Professional Lighting Services

Queenstown Camera Company


Fulcrum Media Finance.

We are planning to have another event but can't confirm dates at this stage. Sponsors are always welcome to approach us, so please think about giving WIFT your support for a future awards ceremony.


Patricia Watson

National Manager