And help take it to international festivals too. WIFT member Alana Henderson has been working on "Everyone Else is Taken" alongside some other top-notch people from NZ and Australia. They are planning to make a high class short which can be entered into festivals all over the world!
The team are looking to shoot this in the next few months, but they REALLY need your help!
As always the problem is cash: they really need to raise a bit more money to be able to take this film to the level it deserves.
Alana asks that you take two seconds to have a look at the link below where you can see more about this film.
Any donation at all helps - from $3 to $2,500. But remember every little bit adds up!
Aside from the rewards listed on the website you can be content knowing you are supporting another great example of NZ creativity and ingenuity as well as encouraging the next level of talented artists.
Contact Alana Henderson on: 027 384 2513