Posted Friday 04 Dec 2015
That wise man of film research Stephen Follows continues his investigation into crowdfunding with some practical tips.
In previous articles there have been a few correlations with success, some predictable (projects which ask for less money do better) and some less so (projects which end on a Sunday fare poorest).
For this article, Stephen has used the data to give some specific film crowdfunding tips and nuggets of advice to help you create a successful film crowdfunding campaign.
This is the result of a data-crunching research project into the 47,809 film crowdfunding campaigns launched on Kickstarter between its inception in April 2009 and October 2015.
In summary�
You can read all the tips here
In doing this research Stephen found built an online tool which you can use too: Crowdfunding Inspirations.
It's totally free and it's an easy way to search through successful film crowdfunding campaigns (i.e. everyone listed has reached their funding goal)
Finally, if you want to learn more about Crowdfunding then check out Stephen's new course 'A Crash Course In Crowdfunding For Filmmakers'. You can see the full syllabus and watch some free previews at