WIFT Awards 2016 - Save the Date (1)

Posted Tuesday 13 Oct 2015

NZ on Air have generously agreed to sponsor the biennial WIFT awards 2016 which will be held on February 25. The news comes as we prepare to open nominations. So it's time to start thinking about worthy recipients NOW.  If you need a refresher on the awards we give have a look at our website - www.wiftnz.org.nz

Our sponsors from last time are staying with us (more on them to come in a future edition of enews).

We still have last year's winners on our web site because it was such a great evening and women in our world don't get the recognition they deserve - especially the ones who toil behind the bright lights.

The Grand Tearoom at Heritage Auckland (one of our wonderful discount providers) will again be the venue and we will have delicious food and wine available all evening too.

Why are we telling you this so far in advance? Because you need to buy a ticket as soon as they go on sale. Our sponsorships only cover the administration of these awards, so we rely on YOU to buy tickets (comps are strictly reserved for finalists only) No matter how high or low a profile you have in the industry you should be there to support the finalists and make it another memorable evening.

We love you all as do all the women who will be celebrated and who will celebrate with us that evening, so please mark the date and talk to your fellow females in the industry and encourage them to buy a ticket and attend.